jithupai: DSCN1356
jithupai: Tickell's Blue Flycatcher
jithupai: small minivet
jithupai: purple rumped sunbird female
jithupai: plain flowerpecker enjoying the custard apple
jithupai: Asian paradise flycatcher
jithupai: puff throated babbler
jithupai: rufous babbler
jithupai: spotted owlet
jithupai: loten's sunbird
jithupai: Twist And Turn
jithupai: orange headed thrush
jithupai: The painted stork
jithupai: spot billed pelican
jithupai: You got something?
jithupai: The yellow browed bulbul This one was with the group of the small minivets , bronzed drongo , orange minivets :) actively hunting down the flies on its way :)
jithupai: The pied bushchat
jithupai: The white rumped munia
jithupai: The Orange frame
jithupai: magpie robin
jithupai: The painted snipe karkala
jithupai: Shikra
jithupai: The flight of a raptor
jithupai: The purple rumped sunbird
jithupai: The gold fronted leaf bird
jithupai: The yellow wagtail
jithupai: The chestnut headed bee eater with the cicada catch :)
jithupai: Look at my belly !!! does it look tiny?? The common tailor bird