JadeTroll (justinecannibis): Bonfire PostDragon 2015
JadeTroll (justinecannibis): School supplies shopping!
JadeTroll (justinecannibis): Back to school Relaxing
JadeTroll (justinecannibis): Why does it feel so good to be bad?
JadeTroll (justinecannibis): Back to school :)
JadeTroll (justinecannibis): You can't sit with us
JadeTroll (justinecannibis): Rain, Rain, Go Away
JadeTroll (justinecannibis): The most unlikely of friends
JadeTroll (justinecannibis): Lakeside studying
JadeTroll (justinecannibis): The weirdest friends
JadeTroll (justinecannibis): No time to rest, homework is due!
JadeTroll (justinecannibis): History of Magic class- the mysterious ticking noise.
JadeTroll (justinecannibis): Meet Mr. BigglesWorth
JadeTroll (justinecannibis): It can't rain forever
JadeTroll (justinecannibis): Singing in the rain