just another drop out?: Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
just another drop out?: 3 legged squirrel
just another drop out?: a couple of daffodils
just another drop out?: Dog walking their human
just another drop out?: some kind of flower
just another drop out?: b&w photo of black cat
just another drop out?: color photo of mouse
just another drop out?: rabbit & cat eye
just another drop out?: No, not another fern!!
just another drop out?: squirrel & cat
just another drop out?: Psst...look behind you...
just another drop out?: Where the hell is my squirrel log!?
just another drop out?: the resident hawk
just another drop out?: Don't try this at home.
just another drop out?: Ok, I'm leaving, just back off!
just another drop out?: There's that damn cat again!
just another drop out?: waiting for the bear
just another drop out?: b&w photo of black bear
just another drop out?: large black squirrel