just another drop out?: Nikkormat, 1972
just another drop out?: Myers Park High School, Charlotte, NC 1971-73
just another drop out?: one of my personal favorites
just another drop out?: trying to get excited about politics again...
just another drop out?: found photo, kids
just another drop out?: Myers Park High School, Charlotte, NC 1971-73
just another drop out?: bands arrived by helicopter, or did I?
just another drop out?: 1972, Jim Dandy to the rescue!
just another drop out?: 1972, Paris, Gendarme
just another drop out?: photo booth, 1974
just another drop out?: photo buttons
just another drop out?: Labor Day in the USA
just another drop out?: adjacent frames
just another drop out?: 419 Mayflower
just another drop out?: It's Howdy Doody time!
just another drop out?: summer reruns, 1970's
just another drop out?: contact sheet self portrait(s?)