just another drop out?: a shave no hair cut
just another drop out?: Not another camera!
just another drop out?: It's a tough life.
just another drop out?: not sure about this new camera...
just another drop out?: got a bit carried away with the shaving cream today...
just another drop out?: "I don't think I can watch this..."
just another drop out?: If it's Thursday...
just another drop out?: If it's Thursday...
just another drop out?: If it's Thursday...
just another drop out?: If it's Thursday...
just another drop out?: what are these for?
just another drop out?: Is there a reason my bowl is empty?
just another drop out?: cat sleeping on couch photo 1,762
just another drop out?: another chilly morning by the wood stove...
just another drop out?: Don't you ever get tired of mirrors?
just another drop out?: you learn a new word every day
just another drop out?: maybe I should roll up the window...
just another drop out?: why is everything so dark?
just another drop out?: let the fun begin...
just another drop out?: cheese balls...$548
just another drop out?: attacked by a T-Rex...
just another drop out?: D-76, still looks good to me...
just another drop out?: The hell with these CD's, let's spin some vinyl!