just another drop out?: D-76, still looks good to me...
just another drop out?: Gashes Creek Baptist Church, take 2
just another drop out?: If it's Thursday...
just another drop out?: No photographs!
just another drop out?: corn & church
just another drop out?: more old cars
just another drop out?: last one from the Argus...
just another drop out?: I know it's here somewhere.....
just another drop out?: contact sheet self portrait(s?)
just another drop out?: found photo, kids
just another drop out?: adjacent frames
just another drop out?: hinge on old door
just another drop out?: 1972, Jim Dandy to the rescue!
just another drop out?: 1972, Paris, Eiffel tower
just another drop out?: 1972, Paris, lampost
just another drop out?: Finally a computer I can understand!
just another drop out?: the last roll?
just another drop out?: Rod Stewart, 1972
just another drop out?: Original prints!!