happymario11: VENETIE
happymario11: educa toadstool 6000
happymario11: vh haasteren usa 5000 2
happymario11: koraalrif
happymario11: jungle impressions 4000 clementoni
happymario11: castorland 3000 still life
happymario11: tower of babel 5000
happymario11: 18000 paradijs deel 1
happymario11: paradijs 18000 deel2
happymario11: DSC00797
happymario11: paradijs deel 3 en 4
happymario11: vh haasteren usa 5000 close
happymario11: Ravensburger 3000 African Animals
happymario11: Trefl "Streets of Paris" 6000 pieces.
happymario11: DSC00827
happymario11: Fascinating earth 5000 pc ravensburger.
happymario11: Colmar 4000 educa
happymario11: DSC00836
happymario11: Jvh 5000 the circus
happymario11: Halfway ,the most enjoyable puzzle I've done. Bookcase 18000 pc ravensburger
happymario11: ravensburger 18000 bookcase ,left half. Finally finished after 7 months.
happymario11: Section 5 of the educa around thr world 42k completed.
happymario11: sector 4 of educa 42k around the world puzzle
happymario11: sector 3 of the educa 42000 puzzle
happymario11: another section done
happymario11: Part 1 educa 42000 around the world. 5/7 bags done.One missing pièce.
happymario11: 6/7 part around the world 42k educa
happymario11: Part 7/7, Educa around the world 42k.Almost one year to finish this beautiful puzzle.In total 3 pieces missing
happymario11: Ravensburger 3000 pieces.
happymario11: After many weeks of struggling,finished.5000 pc ravensburger worldmap,all bags mixed ;)