vanwyk.mike: Hooded merganser says," Meh, she's not my type." Flaming Geyser State Park, WA
vanwyk.mike: Northern pintail in flight. Auburn, WA
vanwyk.mike: A grumpy ring-necked duck. Flaming Geyser State Park, WA
vanwyk.mike: American widgeon swimming up the creek. DeCoursey Park, WA
vanwyk.mike: American widgeon floatin down the stream, eatin veggies. DeCoursey Park, WA
vanwyk.mike: Ring-necked duck cruises across the pond. Old Fishing Hole Park, WA
vanwyk.mike: Rain mallard, looking for handouts no doubt. Old Fishin Hole Park, WA
vanwyk.mike: American widgeons enjoying some rain. Old Fishin Hole Park, WA
vanwyk.mike: Hooded merganser at home in the rain. Old Fishing Hole Park, WA
vanwyk.mike: One of these ducks is not like the others, male hooded merganser. Old Fishing Hole Park, WA
vanwyk.mike: Manky gives me a curious look as I'm checking him out. DeCoursey Pond, WA
vanwyk.mike: Juvenile wood duck in its little log nestle spot. Flaming Geyser State Park, WA
vanwyk.mike: Juvenile wood ducks awaken and prepare for a swim. Flaming Geyser State Park, WA
vanwyk.mike: Momma mallard and her duckling. Dumas Bay, WA
vanwyk.mike: Wood duck. Brook Lake, WA
vanwyk.mike: Blonde mallard? Arbor Lake, WA
vanwyk.mike: Black manky gettin around me, Arbor Lake, WA
vanwyk.mike: One of the duck gang, Arbor Lake, WA
vanwyk.mike: Him and her common merganser pair. White River, Auburn WA
vanwyk.mike: Northern pintail in the blue goo. Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge, WA
vanwyk.mike: Bufflehead shaking after a dive. Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge, WA
vanwyk.mike: Common merganser flyin down the Green River. Metzler Park, WA
vanwyk.mike: Common merganser floatin down the Green River. Metzler Park, WA
vanwyk.mike: Barrow's goldeneye giving me the eye! Saltwater State Park, WA
vanwyk.mike: Pair of harlequin ducks. Saltwater State Park, WA
vanwyk.mike: Bufflehead. DeCoursey Park, WA
vanwyk.mike: Gadwall shakin on a log. DeCoursey Park, WA
vanwyk.mike: American wigeon in flight. Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge, WA
vanwyk.mike: Hooded merganser smimming among the vegetation. NNWR, WA
vanwyk.mike: Some goldeneyes moving along. Des Moines Marina, WA