vanwyk.mike: Chihuly Crystal Tower. Museum of Glass, Tacoma, WA
vanwyk.mike: The shadow devil man comes out to devour unsuspecting tourists at The Valley of Fire.
vanwyk.mike: Creepy stump monsters of Rattlesnake Lake, WA
vanwyk.mike: Creepy stump monsters of Rattlesnake Lake, WA
vanwyk.mike: An arted up pic of George on the couch
vanwyk.mike: Arted up version of Ataklti at Colchuck Lake
vanwyk.mike: Dirty Harrys Museum (old logging truck). Dirty Harry's Peak Trail, WA
vanwyk.mike: Happy stump. Rattlesnake Lake, WA
vanwyk.mike: Interesting retaining wall block. Sequalitchew Creek Trail beach, WA
vanwyk.mike: Shadow portrait of me on sand dune. White Bluffs, WA
vanwyk.mike: Surprised sandstone ghost rock watches me hike by. Teanaway Community Forest, WA.
vanwyk.mike: My car and some wind turbines at Stonehenge, well the replica in Gondendale, WA anyway.
vanwyk.mike: Patrol cabin door at 3 Lakes. Mt Rainier National Park, WA
vanwyk.mike: Toward the end of the Metallica WorldWired show. Century Link Field, Seattle, WA
vanwyk.mike: Sand ripples on the bank of the White River. Dalles River Trail, WA
vanwyk.mike: Sign out at Dungeness Spit, WA
vanwyk.mike: Historic remnant of architecture at Chambers Bay, WA
vanwyk.mike: Interesting pattern in old turbine on display at Electron, WA
vanwyk.mike: Interesting old turbine at Electron, WA
vanwyk.mike: Just the happiest cut log I've ever seen. Mt Rainier National Park, WA
vanwyk.mike: Stump house. Guillemot Cove, WA
vanwyk.mike: Old barn doors. Flaming Geyser SP, WA
vanwyk.mike: About all that's left of Nordrum Lookout. Middle Fork Snoqualmie River area, WA
vanwyk.mike: Bridge column and moon. Flaming Geyser State Park, WA
vanwyk.mike: Door from abandoned car in the woods. Foothills Trail, WA
vanwyk.mike: Teakettle Junction. Death Valley NP, CA
vanwyk.mike: Deer fern sprouts. Boundary Trail, MRNP, WA
vanwyk.mike: Changing Form in Kerry Park. Seattle, WA
vanwyk.mike: Shells, as I found them. Damon Point, WA
vanwyk.mike: Upside down tree art. Damon Point, WA