Lagier01: Silos en el Delta.
bernarddelefosse: Entre Molines et Saint-Véran (Hautes-Alpes)
sherrihendricks98: Leaping Into The New Year
Steve Balcombe: Grey Heron and Great Egret
HIDE@Verdad: A long-tailed tit around Lake Tanuki, Fujinomiya city, Shizuoka Pref. 2024/01 No.1.
Steve Balcombe: Merlin f
ChongBT: White-throated Kingfisher
ChongBT: White-rumped Munia
Xena*best friend*: Ziva: "Happy Caturday"
Miss-Louly (Thanks for the 2,4 millions views): [Explore le 01.01.2025] Bonne et heureuse année 2025 🎇🎉
Stefan_Bilder: Türkentaube
mariejose.fonze: Geai des chênes _Y0A3351
Carsten Bahnsen: Eichhörnchen - red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris)
Miss-Louly (Thanks for the 2,4 millions views): Nature d'automne... (à voir en grand > touche L)
Chantal Le Gall: _CLG_sr_1820
Alex Zehnder: Rohrammer - Red Bunting - Emberiza schoeniclus
Trond Sollihaug: Hawfinch
Donnie Canning: Aldeburgh-4
Vyacheslav Mudryakov "Uncle-UV" Photographer: Portrait of a stranger in the rays of the autumn sun
Maarten Takens: Rocca Calascio at sunrise
pèpète aux allumettes: Mon chat Ebène
doughty.landscapes: The Storm (In Explore)
DJOBurton: The Lights in the Dark (DSC09037)
dieumegard.s: Chipie, la cabane dans les arbres.
verysubmm: Rock Eye
lisa_leininger_92: Ecureuil d'Europe / European squirrel