manhhai: Thảo Cầm Viên Saigon 1938-39
manhhai: Thảo Cầm Viên Saigon 1938-39
manhhai: Saigon 1949 - Photo by Robert Tison - Đền kỷ niệm trong Thảo cầm viên
manhhai: SAIGON 1930 - Temple du souvenir annamites
manhhai: SAIGON 1930 - Temple du souvenir annamites
manhhai: SAIGON 1930 - Temple du souvenir annamites
manhhai: SAIGON 1930 - Temple du souvenir annamites
manhhai: Saigon 1920-1929 - Temple du Souvenir Annamite de Cochinchine
manhhai: SAIGON - Jardin Botanique - Intérieur du temple du souvenir Annamite (Architecte M. Delaval) - Bên trong Đền Kỷ niệm các tử sĩ người Việt tại Nam Kỳ ham gia Đệ nhất Thế chiến 1914-1918
manhhai: SAIGON - Jardin Botanique - Temple du souvenir Annamite - Vue de la face côté ouest (Architect M. Delaval)
manhhai: SAIGON ZOO 1967 by Ken
manhhai: SAIGON ZOO 1967 by Ken
manhhai: SAIGON ZOO 1967 by Ken
manhhai: SAIGON ZOO 1967 by Ken
manhhai: SAIGON ZOO 1967 by Ken
manhhai: SAIGON ZOO 1967 by Ken
manhhai: SAIGON ZOO 1967 by Ken
manhhai: SAIGON ZOO 1967 by Ken
manhhai: SAIGON ZOO 1967 by Ken
manhhai: SAIGON ZOO 1967 by Ken
manhhai: SAIGON ZOO 1967 - Đền Kỷ Niệm - by Ken
manhhai: SAIGON ZOO 1967 - Đền Kỷ Niệm - by Ken
manhhai: SAIGON 1970 by Michael Belis - Me standing in front of the main building at the Saigon Zoo
manhhai: Inside Buddhist temple at the Saigon Zoo - Bàn thờ Đức Khổng Tử - Photo by Michael G. Anderson 1969-70
manhhai: SAIGON 1969-70 by Michael G. Anderson - Temple of Souvenir
manhhai: Saigon Street Scene during Vietnam War 1969
manhhai: SAIGON 1970 by Michael Belis - Temple at the Saigon Zoo
manhhai: DEC 1958 SAIGON TRIP - Zoo and Botanical Garden
manhhai: Saigon 1972 - Schoolgirls in front of Temple in the Zoo
manhhai: Saigon Zoo. Apr 1967