theeternalscholar: 12 Symptoms of spiritual awakening
theeternalscholar: 13 days of Solstice
theeternalscholar: 5 ways to balance your 5 elements
theeternalscholar: 13 principals of wiccan belief
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theeternalscholar: 9 noble virtues
theeternalscholar: Dalai Lama quote (2)
theeternalscholar: Peace It does not mean to be where there is no noise
theeternalscholar: ansectral blessing
theeternalscholar: Anthony Douglas Williams
theeternalscholar: Book of Shadows
theeternalscholar: Age of Aquarius
theeternalscholar: As you sleep sometimes you are connecting with teachers from other realms even if you dont remember
theeternalscholar: Be strong enough to stand alone smart enough to know when you need help and brave enough to ask for it
theeternalscholar: birthstones
theeternalscholar: Blessed are we who can laugh at ourselves for we shall never cease to be amused
theeternalscholar: book of shadows (2)
theeternalscholar: before each soul comes to earth its own personal book of life is written
theeternalscholar: The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity
theeternalscholar: Everything you need will come to you exactly when its supposed to in exactly the right way
theeternalscholar: Stay positive The things you're waiting and hoping for tend to arrive at the most unexpected moments
theeternalscholar: Candle collection
theeternalscholar: Meaning of Lucifer
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theeternalscholar: Book of Shadows
theeternalscholar: Old pagan deities book
theeternalscholar: Pentagram and Book of Shadows