Anton Troia: Eagle eye-ing
Anton Troia: A King and his throne
Anton Troia: City Bald Eagle
Anton Troia: Bald Eagle in the city
Anton Troia: City Eagle
Anton Troia: City Bald Eagle
Anton Troia: Bald Eagle, with a whiter than usual beak.
Anton Troia: IMG_7713
Anton Troia: Juvenile Baldie
Anton Troia: Juvenile Baldie
Anton Troia: DSC_0190
Anton Troia: Grooming Day
Anton Troia: Staten Island New York Eagle
Anton Troia: Baldie soaring high.
Anton Troia: Baldie on the prowl
Anton Troia: DSC_0067e.jpg
Anton Troia: Obstacles are a thing a person sees when they take their eyes off their goal.
Anton Troia: Staten Island Eagle
Anton Troia: 208 (1 of 1)
Anton Troia: I see you!
Anton Troia: Bald Eagle on New Years Eve!
Anton Troia: 417 (1 of 1)
Anton Troia: 411 (1 of 1)
Anton Troia: New Year's Eve Eagle
Anton Troia: Bald Eagles make my day...
Anton Troia: New Years Eve Eagle
Anton Troia: Good view of the Eagles nictitating membranes
Anton Troia: The ever majestic one
Anton Troia: Backlit Baldie