way2richa: DSC_0090
way2richa: Dandelion
way2richa: Count the number of branches
way2richa: rain
way2richa: Coming up a cloud
way2richa: Steller's Jay
way2richa: awaiting food
way2richa: Mount Rainier from Reflection Lakes
way2richa: Spotted these beauties at Enatai Beach Park
way2richa: Newcastle Beach park
way2richa: Fuchsia
way2richa: Dahlia
way2richa: Dahlia
way2richa: Dahlia
way2richa: Dahlia
way2richa: Tonight's sunset in Bellevue
way2richa: Bellevue downtown park
way2richa: Fall setting in :)
way2richa: Spiderweb
way2richa: Love Birds
way2richa: buzz buzz
way2richa: 'crowned'
way2richa: Full Moon