tineseeker: Trilobite. Eldredgeops . (rana norwoodensis sp.). Cedar Valley Formation, Johnson County Iowa. Devonian period approximately 375 million years old. Macromondays.. (Oldest thing you can find)
tineseeker: Macro Mondays. (Negative Space)
tineseeker: Macro Mondays (Vegetables)
tineseeker: Macro Mondays (Rules)
tineseeker: Macro Monday's (Tags)
tineseeker: Macro Monday's (Vibrant Minimalism)
tineseeker: Macro Mondays (crystals)
tineseeker: Macro Mondays ( Crystals)
tineseeker: Macro Mondays ( Coffee )
tineseeker: Macro Mondays ( Lost/Found)
tineseeker: "Macro Mondays" "Eye(s)" The smile of a dragon..