LindaBCool: The park after rennovations and artificial turf installation
LindaBCool: We lived on the last street closest to the trees by the water of Lake Washington... about midway in that part of the brochure
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LindaBCool: img411
LindaBCool: img412
LindaBCool: We spent so much time at the pool. I took swimming lessons every summer, all the way up to Junior Lifeguard training!
LindaBCool: Article about Dad
LindaBCool: Article about Dad - part 2
LindaBCool: Fund raising for the Newport Hills Park that Dad made happen. You can see his Marquis car on the right side of the pic
LindaBCool: 1976 - John with park sign
LindaBCool: 1976 - John - getting ready to install the flag pole
LindaBCool: 1976 - Raising the flag pole
LindaBCool: 1976 - The flag pole
LindaBCool: 1976 - Installing the sprinklers
LindaBCool: 1976 - Installing the sprinklers
LindaBCool: 1976 - John on lawnmower
LindaBCool: 1976 - John mowing the field
LindaBCool: Newport Hills Community Part - 1976 Centennial project
LindaBCool: The park in 2008 before the rennovations and artificial turf installation
LindaBCool: The park in 2008 before the rennovations and artificial turf installation
LindaBCool: 2006-picnic-in-the-park-035-300x224
LindaBCool: 2007 park activities
LindaBCool: 2006 park activities
LindaBCool: 2006 park activities
LindaBCool: Community award
LindaBCool: Dads Commissioner card
LindaBCool: Dad in charge of the McDonald Tolt River Park in Carnation - The Boy Scouts worked with the Army to build a bridge of the Tolt river