LindaBCool: This is the type of bush Ginger and her sister Yina were found behind - ChaZhaMou
LindaBCool: Ginger and Yina, just after being rescued in Jan 2014
LindaBCool: Ginger and Yina, just after being rescued in Jan 2014. You can see that Yina's right front leg is floppy from the circulation that was cutoff by the rubber band on her. They amputated that leg shortly after this pic was taken.
LindaBCool: Ginger and Yina, just after being rescued in Jan 2014
LindaBCool: Ginger and Yina, just after being rescued in Jan 2014
LindaBCool: The photo that made me fall in love with this puppy.
LindaBCool: Leah's dog, Waffle (short hair) and Connie's dog, Nike (long floofy hair). If they were to have a puppy, I think it would look like Ginger.
LindaBCool: The first set of pics that Connie posted on my Facebook page from James & Herriot Animal Hospital.
LindaBCool: Another set of pics that Connie posted on my Facebook page from James & Herriot Animal Hospital
LindaBCool: Movie 1
LindaBCool: Movie 2
LindaBCool: Once I made contact with J&H, a person who works there, Mandy, started sending me more pics of Ginger.
LindaBCool: Movie 3 - After Spay
LindaBCool: Ginger after she was spayed. Healing, but you can tell she is shaved.
LindaBCool: When they found a spot of Demodex on her cheek... the cone was to keep her from scratching her face.
LindaBCool: When they found a spot of Demodex on her cheek... the cone was to keep her from scratching her face.
LindaBCool: When they found a spot of Demodex on her cheek... the cone was to keep her from scratching her face.
LindaBCool: When they found a spot of Demodex on her cheek... the cone was to keep her from scratching her face.
LindaBCool: Movie 4 - Cone Head
LindaBCool: Some shots you can see where the Demodex is located on her lower left cheek.
LindaBCool: Some shots you can see where the Demodex is located on her lower left cheek.
LindaBCool: Some shots you can see where the Demodex is located on her lower left cheek.
LindaBCool: The day when Johanna and her student went to visit Ginger at James & Herriot Animal hospital.
LindaBCool: First meeting Ginger
LindaBCool: Meeting Johanna's student
LindaBCool: Meeting Johanna and her student
LindaBCool: The little Snuggler
LindaBCool: Say Hi to your Mommy
LindaBCool: Ginger with Johanna's student
LindaBCool: Ginger with Johanna's student