LindaBCool: Kathleen with our new friend, who asked for beer money in exchange for taking her picture.
LindaBCool: This woman and her husband were in the process of installing art (bicycle seats and handlebars) in a new store that sells various types of bags, backpacks, travel bags, etc. She told us that she and her husband just came back from living in China for a y
LindaBCool: This woman and her husband were in the process of installing art (bicycle seats and handlebars) in a new store that sells various types of bags, backpacks, travel bags, etc. She told us that she and her husband just came back from living in China for a y
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LindaBCool: This was at the top of a building. I can't imagine painting this... must have taken a long time!
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LindaBCool: Love the colors
LindaBCool: Awesome shoes
LindaBCool: Painting Broadway
LindaBCool: Painting Broadway
LindaBCool: Jimi!
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LindaBCool: In front of Seattle Central Community College
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LindaBCool: Kept trying to catch this guy's eyes... they were really intense.
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LindaBCool: My favorite shot of the night.... We asked if we could take his picture. Kathleen talked to him and we got a little of his story.... "I am homeless right now, but I'm working hard to change that status for myself."
LindaBCool: Her reaction to "You are so pretty!
LindaBCool: Purty clean
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LindaBCool: My 2nd favorite shot of the night
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LindaBCool: The southeast entrance to Cal Anderson Park
LindaBCool: Waiting for the 7pm group to meet at the book store.
LindaBCool: Yes, it does. Temporarily at least....