LindaBCool: Luna in the arena Friday morning - she had been lying down for about 5 minutes at this point
LindaBCool: Luna in the arena Friday morning - I was waiting for her to roll, like the horses usually do in the arena to scratch their backs. I was going to take a video of it, because it's so amazing to watch. She didn't though.
LindaBCool: Luna doing "flehmen" with her nose... a sign that she was in pain. I had not seen this behavior before, so I interpreted it incorrectly. =-(
LindaBCool: Luna in the round pen Friday afternoon, after being walked for a while. She is still not feeling good.
LindaBCool: Luna being flushed at about 5:45pm by the vet Heather, who is amazing! Tim is holding the hose, Vikki is holding Luna's head, Nancy might be doing Reiki on Luna.
LindaBCool: Dr Heather checking Luna, with her arm up to her elbow!! Nancy is doing Reiki. Tim and Vikki are comforting Luna in her drunken stupor. I had been holding the accupressure chart for Nancy, so I took a quick shot of this amazing process.
LindaBCool: Luna eating with Reba on Friday night at about 9:00. Horsey see, horsey do...
LindaBCool: This was the first time I had seen her eating since she had been in the pasture.
LindaBCool: First poop Saturday morning!!!! Pretty slimy from the mineral oil. I was SO happy to see it!
LindaBCool: Luna walking and eating on Saturday morning. We decided to put her back in with the others and let her eat hay with them. She was so happy to do that.