LindaBCool: Straight from the airport - our home away from home for the weekend!
LindaBCool: Circus boy!!
LindaBCool: View from our room on the 31st floor... beginnings of a cool sunset.
LindaBCool: Dusk view from our hotel room on the 31st floor
LindaBCool: View at dusk from our room on the 31st floor
LindaBCool: Wow... a huge diving platform above a filled-in swimming pool...when was the last time it was used??!!
LindaBCool: Across the street from our hotel
LindaBCool: P1060616
LindaBCool: P1060621
LindaBCool: Waiting for the volcano show at the Mirage. It was too windy so they didn't do it.
LindaBCool: P1060629
LindaBCool: P1060630
LindaBCool: Party over here!
LindaBCool: Coming back from walking the strip on Friday night with Michele and Erick
LindaBCool: Night view from our room on the 31st floor
LindaBCool: P1060658
LindaBCool: What Happens in Vegas (WHiV) meet #5 - May 2012
LindaBCool: The tent where most of the activities took place
LindaBCool: Notice Atilla (Paris) on the sidewalk with his very tall Margarita drink
LindaBCool: P1060647
LindaBCool: P1060648
LindaBCool: P1060649
LindaBCool: P1060651
LindaBCool: P1060652
LindaBCool: Party on Friday night in Phil and Ray's suite
LindaBCool: Party on Friday night in Phil and Ray's suite
LindaBCool: Party on Friday night in Phil and Ray's suite
LindaBCool: The Utah gang
LindaBCool: Party on Friday night in Phil and Ray's suite
LindaBCool: Party on Friday night in Phil and Ray's suite