LindaBCool: P1040372
LindaBCool: Mobile Food Rodeo
LindaBCool: Rodeo location in Seattle
LindaBCool: Trucks who participated - Mostly Seattle, a couple of Portland
LindaBCool: P1040428
LindaBCool: Leah is scoping out the situation while I wait in the long Seattle Donuts line for mini-donuts for both of us
LindaBCool: Seattle Donuts - This was our first stop. Little tiny donuts in a bowl.. Many flavors to choose from... YUM
LindaBCool: I waited in the long line at Seattle Donuts while Leah went to Charlie's to get sliders for us.
LindaBCool: This truck was great - we had sliders
LindaBCool: Leah and I had The Spicy sliders... Good!!
LindaBCool: This was the Thai food truck. It was next to Seattle Donuts where I was standing in line. I wish I would have gotten their salmon curry - it looked amazing.
LindaBCool: P1040383
LindaBCool: Wish I would have tried the Salmon Curry... looked REALLY good
LindaBCool: We got in at around 12:40... the 2nd group of the regular ticket holders. Only the VIP ticket holders were there, so the crowd hadn't begun yet. Although the line for Seattle Donuts, where we started, was LONG.
LindaBCool: P1040382
LindaBCool: Had to stop and get some lumpia and pansit... Really good!
LindaBCool: I had lumpia and pansit here... really good!
LindaBCool: P1040403
LindaBCool: streettreats!! I wanted to get something here, but got too full. I've had their desserts once before on Capital Hill.
LindaBCool: P1040395
LindaBCool: P1040398
LindaBCool: MAXImus-miniMUS...LOVE this truck! I didn't have any food there, but it's awesome!
LindaBCool: P1040394
LindaBCool: I think this was a limited menu for the rodeo, but basically they have pulled pork sandwiches
LindaBCool: How cool is that?!
LindaBCool: Love the tail!
LindaBCool: P1040407
LindaBCool: This tiny food truck was so cute. I'm not sure if it can sell more than cold drinks or maybe icecream? Looks sorta like a popsicle truck.
LindaBCool: P1040387
LindaBCool: Bistro Box is supposed to be from the Renton area. I know I've seen them on the road close to my house.