LindaBCool: Sallye is the one....
LindaBCool: May 55 - 10 months old!
LindaBCool: Sallye with Mom and Don
LindaBCool: Sallye with Dad, Steve, Don and Tom
LindaBCool: Must be Kindergarten
LindaBCool: Third row from the top, far right
LindaBCool: Back row, middle. My sister, Kathy's, birthday. Is that Tom in the front row on the left?
LindaBCool: See comment on previous page.
LindaBCool: First grade?
LindaBCool: My birthday. Sal is in the back row, left side.
LindaBCool: See previous comment.
LindaBCool: 2nd grade?
LindaBCool: 3rd Grade - Class pic - Sallye is 2nd row down, on the far right.
LindaBCool: 3rd grade?
LindaBCool: 4th or 5th grade?
LindaBCool: 5th Grade - Class pic - Sallye is in the first row, left side
LindaBCool: This was taken by me, outside our 6th grade classroom
LindaBCool: 6th Grade - Class pic - Sallye is 2nd row from the top, far right side
LindaBCool: At Lake Sammamish State Park in Issaquah - one of our favorite places to go
LindaBCool: June of 7th grade... my "unbirthday" party in my back yard
LindaBCool: Summer of 10th grade - outside the front of my grandparents house in Vancouver, Canada. We had a LOT of fun that summer.. ahaahahaha
LindaBCool: 1971 - 17yo - Sallye's living room
LindaBCool: 1972 - my bedroom. I had made that coat for Sallye (I was a tailoring student)
LindaBCool: Tolo night in 1972 - Alice, me and Sallye. There was a big surprise for me about my date for the night. They knew about it... very sneaky!
LindaBCool: See previous comment
LindaBCool: I think this was the summer of 11th grade - At my grandparent's house in Vancouver, Canada
LindaBCool: Summer of 11th grade in Vancouver, Canada
LindaBCool: I think this was 10th grade
LindaBCool: Sallye's signature...
LindaBCool: Sallye and her artist hippy brother Donny, plus their dachsund, Heidi.