LindaBCool: Henry - Our awesome photographer
LindaBCool: Khoi is trying to get my laptop to connect to the wireless hot spot
LindaBCool: The Grandview Team - Khoi, Paul and Henry - Editing like crazy
LindaBCool: The small community center is filled with people waiting to have their photo taken, or for the photo to be printed
LindaBCool: Paul helping this lovely couple get ready for their 50th Anniversary photo!!
LindaBCool: Our 1st customers of the night...This photo was taken for their 50th Wedding Anniversary!!
LindaBCool: Talking about the old days
LindaBCool: P1010105
LindaBCool: What a lovely family
LindaBCool: Cheese!
LindaBCool: These family photos are to be a gift for their mother - they were so excited!
LindaBCool: P1010115
LindaBCool: P1010116
LindaBCool: P1010114
LindaBCool: A mom with all her sons
LindaBCool: A mom with all her sons
LindaBCool: Checking results and choosing their photos - the kids were so amazed
LindaBCool: The kids are having a blast watching the editors
LindaBCool: The kids were having a great time watching the editors
LindaBCool: Team Grandview 2010 - Henry Lingat, Paul Conrad, me
LindaBCool: Grandview 2010