LindaBCool: Tony and Mary Ann
LindaBCool: DSCN3433
LindaBCool: The homestead!
LindaBCool: My home away from home
LindaBCool: I slept to the sound of this cool fishtank
LindaBCool: Monopoly bathroom
LindaBCool: Mary Ann on the phone... AGAIN!
LindaBCool: Mary Ann in her livingroom
LindaBCool: Tony on the phone and doing sudoku
LindaBCool: The deck
LindaBCool: Their backyard
LindaBCool: Mary Ann taking me to visit her neighbors
LindaBCool: Mary Ann and Michele
LindaBCool: Mary Ann and Michele being goofy
LindaBCool: Cool flower
LindaBCool: "Ummm.. I think this is Ali's house... I'm pretty sure it is!"
LindaBCool: "Ali - I'm here, WTH are you??!!"
LindaBCool: Mary Ann's neighbor - Ali
LindaBCool: Mary Ann .... being her normal self
LindaBCool: Mary Ann... behaving
LindaBCool: Kate, Mary Ann, Muffy and Kevin
LindaBCool: Kate, Mary Ann, Muffy and Kevin
LindaBCool: Kevin's self portrait
LindaBCool: Ruby sleeping
LindaBCool: Ruby!
LindaBCool: The Aviary
LindaBCool: The little bird
LindaBCool: Quincy's pad
LindaBCool: Mr. Quincy
LindaBCool: Quincy the Wonder Bird!