LindaBCool: Be the Change - Who else going to make the world better if not each of us? What is the world of your dreams?
LindaBCool: The founders of CD - Yvonne and Rich Dutra-St. John
LindaBCool: The Vision and Mission of Challenge Day and the Be the Change Movement
LindaBCool: Our Next Step Community - Nov 2008 - Everett WA
LindaBCool: Teena Ellison - Founder of the Snohomish County Circle of Change
LindaBCool: Philosophy of the Heart - There is no such thing as a bad kid
LindaBCool: Empty Your Emotional Balloon - If we learned to do this as children, there would be peace and good health in the world
LindaBCool: Listening Heals - Listening is crucial to helping others "empty their emotional balloons" and creating strong connections between people
LindaBCool: Eye Contact - The problems of the world are caused in a large degree by the lack of real connection between people
LindaBCool: Challenge Day Norms - For the workshop - for any group of people
LindaBCool: Challenge Day norms
LindaBCool: Validations for everyday life - How to create positive energy
LindaBCool: Peace - Respect for all differences between people
LindaBCool: Tools and Resources
LindaBCool: Tools and Resources
LindaBCool: Tools and Resources
LindaBCool: Tools and Resources
LindaBCool: The Registration Angels - Emily and Sue
LindaBCool: Regan signing in
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