LindaBCool: 50th Anniversary Logo
LindaBCool: My registration tables overlooking the Museum of Flight
LindaBCool: The 50th Anniversary logo t-shirt
LindaBCool: The 50th commemorative DVD I helped make for the club members
LindaBCool: The calligraphy I did for the name tags
LindaBCool: Museum of Flight - view from the registration tables
LindaBCool: Flight Simulator
LindaBCool: Museum of Flight
LindaBCool: Museum of Flight
LindaBCool: Museum of Flight - view from our banquet room
LindaBCool: Museum of Flight
LindaBCool: Sandy , Randy and Ed (seated)
LindaBCool: LaRae
LindaBCool: The 2 cakes that Sandy decorated
LindaBCool: DSC_0002
LindaBCool: DSC_0003
LindaBCool: Getting the banquet room ready at the Museum of Flight in Seattle
LindaBCool: Alma Miller, Laura Boyt, Gregg Herrell
LindaBCool: Marlys and Howard Borough, Ann Leake
LindaBCool: Linda and Michael Thornberry, Herb Leake
LindaBCool: Oran and Judy Downs
LindaBCool: Kirby Johnson and Oran Downs
LindaBCool: Erwin Mullin
LindaBCool: Kathi Dewey and Barbara Boling Baggaley
LindaBCool: Randy and LaRae
LindaBCool: George Barron, Jim and Susan Thompson
LindaBCool: Brian Lund and Dan Ritchie
LindaBCool: David Somerville and Annette Ramsour
LindaBCool: The Osborne family
LindaBCool: Karen and Dave Luton