LindaBCool: The Osborne kids and their friend watch as divers enter the water
LindaBCool: DSC_0001
LindaBCool: Divers get suited up at the picnic shelter at Alki
LindaBCool: Ed and his buddy enter the water
LindaBCool: Mike wades in to put his fins on
LindaBCool: Buddies helping buddies put gear on
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LindaBCool: Todd, Allisa and Dave
LindaBCool: Todd and Allisa
LindaBCool: Todd and his kids
LindaBCool: Todd and the kids
LindaBCool: Exploring barnacles on the steps
LindaBCool: Gearing up on a hot day - Yikes!
LindaBCool: Waiting for her buddy to catch up
LindaBCool: Dave enters the water
LindaBCool: Almost everyone is in the water now
LindaBCool: Seattle in the background
LindaBCool: Final prep
LindaBCool: Spectators and the Space Needle in the background
LindaBCool: Kayakers glide by the divers
LindaBCool: Kayakers, a ferry and the Space Needle
LindaBCool: Swimming out to the buoy with dive flag to start the dive
LindaBCool: Buoy with dive flag to warn boaters of divers underneath
LindaBCool: This was the 2nd boat to go by - the first boat got so close we were all yelling and waving our arms so they would not come closer!
LindaBCool: A Washington State Ferry goes by in the not too far distance
LindaBCool: An Argosy tour boat passes by very closely!
LindaBCool: The first diver to touch the surface - probably just getting reoriented
LindaBCool: First diver swimming in on the surface
LindaBCool: Ed answering questions from a spectator and her son
LindaBCool: Ed and his buddy with spectator and her son