LindaBCool: Halvtolv Canal - Alice - On way to Opera House
LindaBCool: Halvtolv Canal - On Alices street
LindaBCool: Halvtolv Canal 2
LindaBCool: Halvtolv Canal - The bridge on Danneskiold-Samsoes Alle
LindaBCool: Opera House - As we are walking up to it
LindaBCool: Opera House - Alice in front of it
LindaBCool: Opera House - View from it looking south
LindaBCool: Opera House - View from it looking at a Harbor Tour Boat
LindaBCool: Opera House - View from it looking toward Amelienborg Castle
LindaBCool: Opera House - View from it looking at Amelienborg Palace and Marmorkirken Church
LindaBCool: Opera House - View from it looking at old Naval facilities
LindaBCool: Water Taxi off in the distance
LindaBCool: Water Taxi - coming toward us
LindaBCool: Opera House - Taking a water taxi from it to the other side
LindaBCool: Opera House - Looking at it from the opposite side of the water
LindaBCool: Holmen - Old Naval area - Submarine
LindaBCool: Holmen - Old Naval area
LindaBCool: Nationalmuseet ship
LindaBCool: Amalienborg Palace
LindaBCool: Amalienborg Palace 3
LindaBCool: Marmorkirken - The Marble Church
LindaBCool: Amalienborg Palace 2
LindaBCool: Amalienborg Palace - Statue in front
LindaBCool: Amalienborg Palace - Statue plaque
LindaBCool: Amalienborg Palace - Balcony where Queen makes appearances
LindaBCool: Amaliehaven fountain
LindaBCool: Amaliehaven Garden and Alice
LindaBCool: Statue of David outside the Royal Cast Collection
LindaBCool: Gefion Fountain - Goddess Gefion and her sons as bulls
LindaBCool: Gefion Fountain and Church