LindaBCool: Randy and Emmett
LindaBCool: Randy and Emmett with apple slice
LindaBCool: Gay Rutter with Caddis, Emmett and a small friend - Circa 1998
LindaBCool: Please let me in the cabin...
LindaBCool: Did you say "Here Emmett!" ?
LindaBCool: Wake me when you see Orcaszzzzzzz...
LindaBCool: Aye Aye Cap'n!
LindaBCool: Emmett and Randy - September 2004
LindaBCool: Randy and Emmett - Living Room Floor
LindaBCool: Randy and Emmett. Emmett loved his dad....
LindaBCool: Randy and Emmett
LindaBCool: Emmett snoozing in my office
LindaBCool: Linda, Jaxon Emmett - August 2006
LindaBCool: Jaxon laying on Emmett to feel him breathe - August 2006
LindaBCool: Emmett - August 2006
LindaBCool: August 2006
LindaBCool: Snow Dog
LindaBCool: Mom, do ya hafta follow me everywhere?
LindaBCool: Ahhhhh.... the sun's coming out...
LindaBCool: Snow Dog
LindaBCool: Snow Dog
LindaBCool: Emmett the Snow Dog
LindaBCool: Emmett snoozing in my office
LindaBCool: Emmett the Jungle Dog
LindaBCool: May 26, 2007
LindaBCool: Emmett in my office - happy dog
LindaBCool: February 12, 2008
LindaBCool: 16 - May 5 2008
LindaBCool: 17 - May 18 2008
LindaBCool: Emmett hanging out while I do yard work