Daniel ENGELVIN (3 Millions thanks): Timisoara: The Piata Victoriei flowered for May 1st and the hundredth anniversary of the creation of Romania.
Daniel ENGELVIN (3 Millions thanks): Timisoara, Piata Vicroriei: The Lloyd, the restaurant I used to eat a 'mixed grill Dracula'.
Daniel ENGELVIN (3 Millions thanks): Timisoara: The Piata Victoriei flowered for May 1st and the hundredth anniversary of the creation of Romania.
Daniel ENGELVIN (3 Millions thanks): Timisoara: The Piata Victoriei flowered for May 1st and the hundredth anniversary of the creation of Romania.
Daniel ENGELVIN (3 Millions thanks): Timisoara: Catedrala Mitropolitana
Daniel ENGELVIN (3 Millions thanks): Sebeş: Biserica Ortodoxă ''Schimbarea la Faţă''
Daniel ENGELVIN (3 Millions thanks): Sebes: Ansamblul bisericii evanghelice
Daniel ENGELVIN (3 Millions thanks): Sebes: Perete și clopotniță a biserica evanghelica
Daniel ENGELVIN (3 Millions thanks): Ph-2018-04-27 13h25 IMG_5782
Daniel ENGELVIN (3 Millions thanks): Sebes: Biserica Evanghelica Luterana
Daniel ENGELVIN (3 Millions thanks): Sebes: Casa Franz Binder
Daniel ENGELVIN (3 Millions thanks): Sebes: Casa Franz Binder (Frontispiece)
Daniel ENGELVIN (3 Millions thanks): Sebes: Casa Franz Binder (Frontispiece)
Daniel ENGELVIN (3 Millions thanks): Sebes: Casa Franz Binder (Frontispiece)
Daniel ENGELVIN (3 Millions thanks): Sebes: Poarta a Ansamblul bisericii evanghelice
Daniel ENGELVIN (3 Millions thanks): Sebes: Centrul cultural 'Lucien Blaga'
Daniel ENGELVIN (3 Millions thanks): Ph-2018-04-27 13h37 IMG_5793
Daniel ENGELVIN (3 Millions thanks): Sebes: Catedrala Ortodoxa
Daniel ENGELVIN (3 Millions thanks): Sebeş: Biserica Ortodoxă ''Sf. Mare Mucenic Gheorghe''
Daniel ENGELVIN (3 Millions thanks): Sebeş: Biserica Ortodoxă ''Sf. Mare Mucenic Gheorghe''
Daniel ENGELVIN (3 Millions thanks): Sebes: Catedrala Ortodoxa
Daniel ENGELVIN (3 Millions thanks): Sebes: Catedrala Ortodoxă
Daniel ENGELVIN (3 Millions thanks): Sebes: Turnul Croitorilor
Daniel ENGELVIN (3 Millions thanks): 2018-04-27 Alba Iulia: Hotel Preciosa
Daniel ENGELVIN (3 Millions thanks): Aba Iulia: Consiliul judetean
Daniel ENGELVIN (3 Millions thanks): Alba Iulia: Cetatea, 12km long walls.
Daniel ENGELVIN (3 Millions thanks): Alba Iulia: Cetatea, The bell tower and domes of the Coronation Cathedral
Daniel ENGELVIN (3 Millions thanks): Alba Iulia: Cetatea, The bell tower and domes of the Coronation Cathedral
Daniel ENGELVIN (3 Millions thanks): Alba Iulia: Catedrala romano-catolică "Sf. Mihail"