terri_bateman: fridge,pantry and 80s microwave cart storage 'solution'
terri_bateman: Kitchen Reno - the spice cupboard conundrum.
terri_bateman: Cork floor fade out
terri_bateman: starting the tear down.
terri_bateman: tear down in progress
terri_bateman: view from the back - all that wasted space
terri_bateman: floor still looks pretty good here
terri_bateman: old fridge and band-aid storage
terri_bateman: pantry on its way out
terri_bateman: it really doesn't look that bad here, but, it was.
terri_bateman: hmmm, maybe we could create some functional space here...
terri_bateman: Thanks for the memories.
terri_bateman: my first tiling job and our least favourite appliance, ever.
terri_bateman: after the Restore cleared everything out.
terri_bateman: possibilities
terri_bateman: 2015-06-13 10.30.14
terri_bateman: 2015-06-13 10.30.29
terri_bateman: 2015-06-13 10.30.45
terri_bateman: 2015-06-13 10.31.09
terri_bateman: 2015-06-13 10.31.20
terri_bateman: 2015-06-13 15.14.06
terri_bateman: 2015-06-13 15.14.24