Fogarty Avenue: Morlynn Insulators silhouette pic
Fogarty Avenue: Accidentally Morlynn
Fogarty Avenue: Natural light
Fogarty Avenue: Morlynn arch
Fogarty Avenue: Wooden explorer
Fogarty Avenue: Funked Morlynn sneaker
Fogarty Avenue: Morlynn shoes
Fogarty Avenue: Morlynn mayhem
Fogarty Avenue: Construction Anyone?
Fogarty Avenue: The ramp up
Fogarty Avenue: What does that say?
Fogarty Avenue: Grafiti Wall
Fogarty Avenue: When cars aren't there
Fogarty Avenue: View from above
Fogarty Avenue: Random Tree
Fogarty Avenue: Red Down Pipe
Fogarty Avenue: Colourful Views
Fogarty Avenue: B&W storage remains
Fogarty Avenue: Perspective Grafiti
Fogarty Avenue: Spooky bus
Fogarty Avenue: Bus view
Fogarty Avenue: Gray Paper
Fogarty Avenue: Defunked shoes
Fogarty Avenue: Peeling light
Fogarty Avenue: Dark power
Fogarty Avenue: Arfternoon at Morlynn Insulators factory, Yarraville
Fogarty Avenue: Boy and his dog
Fogarty Avenue: Long shadows at Bradmill textile factory
Fogarty Avenue: Bexn w/ Dave
Fogarty Avenue: Bradmill wall shot!