acanthus42: 1. Aries & Taurus Window, Memorial Chapel, University of Glasgow
acanthus42: 2. Gemini & Cancer Window, Memorial Chapel, University of Glasgow
acanthus42: 3. Applied Science Window, Memorial Chapel, University of Glasgow
acanthus42: 17.4. West Window, Memorial Chapel, University of Glasgow
acanthus42: 3. Applied Science Window, Memorial Chapel, University of Glasgow
acanthus42: 3. Applied Science Window, Memorial Chapel, University of Glasgow
acanthus42: 4. Medicine Window, Memorial Chapel, University of Glasgow
acanthus42: 4. Medicine Window, Memorial Chapel, University of Glasgow
acanthus42: 4. Medicine Window, Memorial Chapel, University of Glasgow
acanthus42: 4. Medicine Window, Memorial Chapel, University of Glasgow
acanthus42: 4. Medicine Window, Memorial Chapel, University of Glasgow
acanthus42: 6. Theology Window, Memorial Chapel, University of Glasgow
acanthus42: 6. Theology Window, Memorial Chapel, University of Glasgow
acanthus42: 7.2. Chancel Arch Window, Memorial Chapel, University of Glasgow
acanthus42: 7.3. Chancel Arch Window, Memorial Chapel, University of Glasgow
acanthus42: 7.1. Chancel Arch Window, Memorial Chapel, University of Glasgow
acanthus42: 16. Choir Gallery Window (Alma Mater), Memorial Chapel, University of Glasgow
acanthus42: 17.0. West Window, Memorial Chapel, University of Glasgow
acanthus42: 17.1. West Window, Memorial Chapel, University of Glasgow
acanthus42: 17.1. West Window, Memorial Chapel, University of Glasgow
acanthus42: 17.1. West Window, Memorial Chapel, University of Glasgow
acanthus42: 17.1. West Window, Memorial Chapel, University of Glasgow
acanthus42: 17.1 West Window, Memorial Chapel, University of Glasgow
acanthus42: 17.1. West Window, Memorial Chapel, University of Glasgow
acanthus42: 17.1. West Window, Memorial Chapel, University of Glasgow
acanthus42: 17.2. West Window, Memorial Chapel, University of Glasgow
acanthus42: 17.2. West Window, Memorial Chapel, University of Glasgow
acanthus42: 17.2. West Window, Memorial Chapel, University of Glasgow
acanthus42: 17.2 West Window, Memorial Chapel, University of Glasgow
acanthus42: 17.2. West Window, Memorial Chapel, University of Glasgow