wragnhild: Evening - my village
wragnhild: Entrance to the graveyard
wragnhild: Way to the entrance portal of the Church
wragnhild: Our old church with graveyard
wragnhild: 019 (2)
wragnhild: Commemorative monument of the victims of the First and Second world wars
wragnhild: Graveyard of our village
wragnhild: Road to the library
wragnhild: Library in a former school
wragnhild: Local authority
wragnhild: Building of the local authority
wragnhild: Tower of owls
wragnhild: Neighbours
wragnhild: Near my village
wragnhild: Also neighbour
wragnhild: Near my village
wragnhild: Also neighbours
wragnhild: Near my village
wragnhild: Near my village
wragnhild: Near my village
wragnhild: Near my village
wragnhild: Billy goat with family
wragnhild: Near our street
wragnhild: Meeting
wragnhild: Work in the fields
wragnhild: Rural scene
wragnhild: Soft green
wragnhild: At the end of our street near the meadows
wragnhild: At the end of our street near the meadows