suekelly52: 'By Perseverance the Snail Reached the Arc'
suekelly52: Every location has it's sweet spot!
suekelly52: Fly on Flower
suekelly52: Bug Butts on Yellow
suekelly52: Butt's a long way back!
suekelly52: Daisy Wings!
suekelly52: Spider Light
suekelly52: Web and it's Weaver!
suekelly52: Comma
suekelly52: Rosemary & Lavender
suekelly52: DSC_0141
suekelly52: Every picture tells a story!
suekelly52: Princess and the Bee
suekelly52: Flowerpower!
suekelly52: Bud Butt!
suekelly52: Spider Launch pad!
suekelly52: Chrysotoxum festivum
suekelly52: Syrphus ribesii & episyrphus balteatus
suekelly52: A Banquet!
suekelly52: Don't blink when it's in the pink!
suekelly52: A Great Catch!
suekelly52: Do You See What I See?
suekelly52: Arachtober 31
suekelly52: Ladies Passion!
suekelly52: Sunset Friends!
suekelly52: Bubble
suekelly52: When I say 'Amphibian' they think I'm a liar!!!
suekelly52: Lady Blooms!
suekelly52: Lady V
suekelly52: All things bright and beautiful!