andy_8357: grazing ponies
andy_8357: elegant pony
andy_8357: shades of Mt. Garfield
andy_8357: witching hour
andy_8357: by the brook
andy_8357: handsome
andy_8357: interlude
andy_8357: curious
andy_8357: Sangdo Palri Temple 2
andy_8357: Sangdo Palri Temple
andy_8357: old barn at harvest
andy_8357: heading home..... to Mordor
andy_8357: the standout
andy_8357: late afternoon at Brainard Lake
andy_8357: old log at Long Lake
andy_8357: quiet creek
andy_8357: mirrorless mobility
andy_8357: harvest
andy_8357: old tree watching over field at harvest
andy_8357: time with a friend
andy_8357: lonely cabin
andy_8357: a different concept of neighbors
andy_8357: delicate
andy_8357: DSC01702.jpg
andy_8357: love through generations
andy_8357: the Superstitions
andy_8357: prickly richness
andy_8357: wild cloud
andy_8357: ethereal
andy_8357: sunset wildflowers