jHc__johart: Mural Detail explored
jHc__johart: DSCF5827
jHc__johart: Floral Graphics explored
jHc__johart: Tattoo Studio Graphics
jHc__johart: WESTBROOK
jHc__johart: Leo & Ken's Truck Stop
jHc__johart: Superman Mural
jHc__johart: Leo & Ken's Truck Stop (2/2)
jHc__johart: Different....but the Same
jHc__johart: Morning Delites
jHc__johart: Willie
jHc__johart: Screen Shot
jHc__johart: Coffee Co. Logo
jHc__johart: Little Hands - Big Hearts
jHc__johart: A Closer Look
jHc__johart: Art Center Mural
jHc__johart: Autoplex
jHc__johart: Mural Art (detail 1/2)
jHc__johart: Mural Art (detail 2/2)
jHc__johart: "Mexican Rider"
jHc__johart: Work in Progress
jHc__johart: 4432 Grafitti
jHc__johart: Deadpool
jHc__johart: EAGLES
jHc__johart: E.T.: "Be Extra"
jHc__johart: "Let it Be" with The Beatles
jHc__johart: Painted Silhouettes