jHc__johart: Oklahoma (2)
jHc__johart: Light In the Window
jHc__johart: Steel Shadow
jHc__johart: Open Windows
jHc__johart: Abandoned Hwy5 Bridge
jHc__johart: 08/07/2018 19:03.36
jHc__johart: 08/07/2018 19:09.58
jHc__johart: Dark Sky
jHc__johart: Designs & Shapes
jHc__johart: Still Impressive.........
jHc__johart: Fireball Halo
jHc__johart: Ft Sill Air Show 1/2
jHc__johart: Ft Sill Air Show 2/2
jHc__johart: Rocky Road
jHc__johart: DSCF2543
jHc__johart: Fall Landscape
jHc__johart: Oil & Hay Fields
jHc__johart: Engulfed
jHc__johart: DSCF5983
jHc__johart: On The Prairie
jHc__johart: Colorful Hillside
jHc__johart: Peaceful
jHc__johart: Red, White and Blue
jHc__johart: Small Pond
jHc__johart: On the Horizon
jHc__johart: Artllery Horse Corral
jHc__johart: Ft Sill Army Post Historical Bldg
jHc__johart: Historic Cavalry Corral
jHc__johart: Historic Quartermaster Corral