aksielza: plant - photo with old lens Tessar
aksielza: embroidery
aksielza: rosehips with snow cap
aksielza: macroworld
aksielza: Hepatica nobilis Schreb
aksielza: a small Eurasian plant of the lily family, with clusters of small, globular blue flowers, cultivated as an ornamental or for use in perfume.
aksielza: finally Spring
aksielza: once again
aksielza: Spring in full swing
aksielza: Daisy in the morning dew
aksielza: butterfly delicacy
aksielza: dill with wheels
aksielza: for drying
aksielza: fluff
aksielza: autumn beauty
aksielza: crocus
aksielza: Spring is here /old lens Tessar
aksielza: Spring in full swing
aksielza: Gentiana ciliata
aksielza: with old lens Tessar 2,8/50
aksielza: fluff
aksielza: the last rose
aksielza: yellow flowers
aksielza: Christmas rose