bernini79: Earrings by Lena Marie Echelle
bernini79: Earrings by Lena Marie Echelle
bernini79: Linus' foot print
bernini79: Linus' handprint for G-daddy
bernini79: 2009 Ornaments
bernini79: 2009 Ornaments
bernini79: 2009 Ornaments
bernini79: 2009 annual ornament
bernini79: juli's wedding
bernini79: Linus in his big boy bed
bernini79: George's idea of a postcard
bernini79: George's idea of a postcard
bernini79: George's idea of a postcard
bernini79: George's idea of a postcard
bernini79: George's idea of a postcard
bernini79: tasting of local veggies from Eugene... mmm
bernini79: local berkshire pork
bernini79: Quinones 2009-04-17
bernini79: Merry Christmas
bernini79: Linus footprint/handprint reindeer
bernini79: penguin ornament
bernini79: Xmas tree 2008
bernini79: Tree topper
bernini79: anyone want to wrap these for us?
bernini79: train ornament
bernini79: giraffe ornament
bernini79: paper panda ornament
bernini79: penguin ornament
bernini79: fennel celery salad
bernini79: maureen's apple pie straight from her orchard