McMurray and Blonde: One of These Things...
McMurray and Blonde: Even rusty bikes get the blues
McMurray and Blonde: New Bus Stop
McMurray and Blonde: Maybe We Should Take the Long Way Around...
McMurray and Blonde: Little yellow problems
McMurray and Blonde: Someone order a band?
McMurray and Blonde: Lake Street L Over the River
McMurray and Blonde: Goodbye Summer
McMurray and Blonde: Clark/Lake Blue Line - Chicago, IL
McMurray and Blonde: Hey Mom! Hey Mom! Hey Mom!
McMurray and Blonde: Urban Jungle - Chicago L
McMurray and Blonde: For Your Pleasure - Chicago Alley
McMurray and Blonde: Product Photography - Fuji x100 with a McMurray And Blonde leather wrist strap (handmade by me in Chicago, IL).
McMurray and Blonde: Complete: City of Chicago repair order # 857471
McMurray and Blonde: If it wasn't for dickheads like you, there wouldn't be any thievery in this world -Gunnery Sergeant Hartman
McMurray and Blonde: Chicago River and Metra train yard