MQ aus B bei W:
DSC_1333 Blick von Ruine Rauheneck aufs Helenental+Ruine Rauhenstein, 28.5.2012
MQ aus B bei W:
DSC_6113 Lying at the beginning of Helen's Valley with its Castle Rauheneck (left) and the former hotel Esplanade the Strandbad Baden with its sand, water, palm trees and old park trees has its own climate and holiday feeling
MQ aus B bei W:
DSC_6114 For decades it's rumored that the sand of the Strandbad Baden is brought from the Adriatic Sea though it comes from the Danube shore. At hot summer weekends there are 5000 and more visitors while it's relaxing and quiet during the week.
MQ aus B bei W:
IMG_1562 Nordic Walken nach Sooß, 29.7.2018
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DSC_0868a Spring again! Römerberg (Roman's Hill), Baden near Vienna
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DSC_8345 Sonnenblumen, Valensole 20.7.2019
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DSC_8352 Lavendelfelder, Valensole 20.7.2019
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IMG_0724 Mohnblumen beim Tümpel, 2.6.2007
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IMG_1305 Mohnblumen, Haasteich Richtung Sooß, 1.6.2018
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DSC_8347 Lavendelfelder, Valensole 20.7.2019
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DSC_0076 Abtei Saint-Paul-de-Mausole in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence
MQ aus B bei W:
DSC_2659k Sommerlicher Garten
MQ aus B bei W:
DSC_2651b Sommerlicher Garten
MQ aus B bei W:
IMG_1342 Lavendel, 10.6.2018
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IMG_0516g Lavendel, 23.6.2013
MQ aus B bei W:
IMG_0802 Beim Tümpel zwischen Baden und Sooß, 22.4.2007
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IMG_0800 Blick Richtung Baden Römerberg+Badener Lindkogel, Rapsfeld, 22.4.2007
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DSC_8340 Lavendelfelder, Valensole 20.7.2019
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IMG_1500 Garten, 1.7.2018
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DSC_0160 Bucht Agios Georgios Pagi, Korfu 8.7.2018
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IMG_8216 Schwechat bei Cholerakapelle, 18.8.2017
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MQ aus B bei W:
IMG_0527j Purpursonnenhut Echinacea, 24.7.2013
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IMG_0491i3 Dandelion, Roman's Mountain, Baden near Vienna. Römerberg Löwenzahn, 7.5.2013
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DSC_3545 Helenium Hybride Kanaria, 15.8.2012
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DSC_3542 Rudbeckia, 3.8.2012
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DSC_3541 Echinacea,Phlox,Schafgarbe,Rudbeckia, Südliches Beet, 3.8.2012
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DSC_3543 Rudbeckia, 3.8.2012
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DSC_1368 Kleiner Fuchs Schmetterling, Unser Garten 7.6.2012
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DSC_1222 Rosenkäfer, 27.5.2012