David Gobbitt:
Hard cover spine: A.M.C. Guide to Ipswich 1890
David Gobbitt:
Index to advertisements in Pawsey and Hayes' 1890 guide to Ipswich
David Gobbitt:
Internal front cover of A.M.C. Illustrated Guide to ye ancient towne of Ypswiche, drawn by H. C. Westgate, 1890
David Gobbitt:
Advertisement of drapers etc. Footman, Pretty, & Nicolson, 1890
David Gobbitt:
Advertisement of hairdresser & perfumer George Wootton, 1890
David Gobbitt:
Advertisement of A. Christie's antique furniture warehouse, 1890
David Gobbitt:
Advertisement of draper & warehouseman Edward Brand, 1890
David Gobbitt:
Advertisement of tailors & outfitters Alston & Moir, 1890
David Gobbitt:
Advertisement of goldsmith, jeweller, silversmith, horographer & optician J. A. Haskell, 1890
David Gobbitt:
Advertisement of Ipswich Boot and Shoe Company (Royal Blue House), 1890
David Gobbitt:
Advertisement of house furnisher Edward Beard, 1890
David Gobbitt:
Advertisement of tailors Fisk, Robinson & Co., 1890
David Gobbitt:
Advertisement of grocer James William Beart, 1890
David Gobbitt:
Advertisement of engineers E. R. & F. Turner, 1890
David Gobbitt:
John Limmer's Cornhill Restaurant advertisement, 1890
David Gobbitt:
Advertisement of printer & stationer S. H. Cowell, 1890
David Gobbitt:
Advertisements of boot & shoe manufacturers Richard Harrison & Son and cabinet maker & upholsterer Fredk F. Hill, 1890
David Gobbitt:
Printer Fred. C. Atkinson's advertisement of the Ipswich Journal, 1890
David Gobbitt:
Advertisement of dispensing chemist W. H. Marsh, 1890
David Gobbitt:
Advertisement of cabinet makers, house agents, upholsterers & undertakers James Harrison & Son, 1890
David Gobbitt:
Advertisement of Talbot & Co.'s mineral waters, 1890
David Gobbitt:
Advertisement of wine & spirit merchants Robt Miller & Son, 1890
David Gobbitt:
Title page of Pawsey and Hayes' 1890 Ipswich guide
David Gobbitt:
Advertisement of grocers Miller & Steel, 1890
David Gobbitt:
Preface to Pawsey and Hayes' 1890 Ipswich guide
David Gobbitt:
Advertisement of draper Frederic Corder, 1890
David Gobbitt:
Biography of Mayor Nathaniel Catchpole in Pawsey and Hayes' 1890 Ipswich guide
David Gobbitt:
Biography of Mayor Nathaniel Catchpole in Pawsey and Hayes' 1890 Ipswich guide (continued)
David Gobbitt:
"Catchpole, Nathaniel" "Elcho, Lord" Ipswich Mayors Suffolk
David Gobbitt:
Biographies of Lord Elcho M.P. (concluded) and Sir Charles Dalrymple M.P., 1890