David Gobbitt:
Harrison's Guide to Ipswich (1903): spine
David Gobbitt:
Harrison's Guide to Ipswich (1903): front cover
David Gobbitt:
Harrison's Guide to Ipswich (1903): title page
David Gobbitt:
Advertisement for W. E. Harrison's Souvenir of Ipswich, 1903
David Gobbitt:
Harrison's Guide to Ipswich, 1903 p. iii: preface
David Gobbitt:
Advertisement of coal & coke merchants Thomas Moy Ltd, Ipswich, 1903
David Gobbitt:
Harrison's Guide to Ipswich (1903) p. v: contents
David Gobbitt:
Advertisement of Footman, Pretty & Co., Waterloo House, Ipswich, 1903
David Gobbitt:
Harrison's Guide to Ipswich (1903) p. vii: index (part 1)
David Gobbitt:
Advertisement of Ipswich Bank (Bacon, Cobbold & Company) with balance sheet for year ended 31 Dec. 1902
David Gobbitt:
Harrison's Guide to Ipswich (1903) p. ix: index (part 2)
David Gobbitt:
Advertisements of M. A. Cullwick's needlework & wool depot and Tibbenham's Gallery, Ipswich, 1903
David Gobbitt:
Harrison's Guide to Ipswich (1903) p. xi: index (part 3)
David Gobbitt:
Advertisement of railway agent & furniture remover Frank C. Shipp, 1903
David Gobbitt:
Harrison's Guide to Ipswich (1903) p. xiii: index (part 4)
David Gobbitt:
Advertisement of house furnishers & removers Phillips & Son, St Matthew's Street, Ipswich, 1903
David Gobbitt:
Advertisement of A. V. Yapp's Westgate Restaurant , Ipswich, 1903 (pork pies certified 1902)
David Gobbitt:
Advertisement for antiques at S. Green & Son's Old Curiosity Shop, St Margaret's Plain, Ipswich, 1903
David Gobbitt:
Advertisement of R. J. Turner's antique museum, St Matthew's Street, Ipswich, 1903
David Gobbitt:
"Ye Anciente House (Dated 1567)", Ipswich, 1903 or earlier
David Gobbitt:
Wolsey's Gateway, Ipswich, 1903 or earlier
David Gobbitt:
Advertisement of Queen's Restaurant, Ipswich, 1903
David Gobbitt:
Advertisement of Queen's Restaurant, Ipswich, 1903
David Gobbitt:
Advertisement of Harrison's Ancient House Library, 1903
David Gobbitt:
Advertisement of chemists etc. Cornell & Cornell, 1903
David Gobbitt:
Cornhill, Ipswich: Post Office, Town Hall and horse-drawn cabs, 1900 or earlier
David Gobbitt:
High Street, Ipswich: Art Gallery, Free Library, Museum and Science, Art & Technical Schools, 1900 or earlier
David Gobbitt:
The Mansion in Christchurch Park, Ipswich, 1900 or earlier
David Gobbitt:
Lower Arboretum to be added to Christchurch Park, Ipswich, 1903
David Gobbitt:
"Byles' Park" [Alexandra Park] acquired by Ipswich Corporation