Nerdy Book Lover: Pepper:What are you doing Key? Key: The mad science Channel is on and I can't miss this episode. Dr. Ham is going to try to make a flat screen T.V using nothing but house hold items!Pepper: Okay. And- HEY! THOSE CHIPS ARE MYN!
Nerdy Book Lover: Pepper: I can't tell what she's doing!
Nerdy Book Lover: Key: Perfect.
Nerdy Book Lover: Okay, what the heck are you doing Key!?
Nerdy Book Lover: Pepper:(What is she doing?)
Nerdy Book Lover: Key: I still need some source of power....
Nerdy Book Lover: Keys bedroom
Nerdy Book Lover: Mittens: I want to be called Nikie now. Or key for short. Me: Mittens- Mittens: What did I just say?
Nerdy Book Lover: Me: What are you doing Mittens? Key: FOR THE LAST TIME, CALL ME KEY OR NIKKIE! Me: What are you doing Key? Key: There are minion auditions and I want to get in.
Nerdy Book Lover: Key: The second part of minion training is the banana climb but since I don't have a banana I have to use a flower instead.
Nerdy Book Lover: Mittens: I wish summer was here! Me: Mittens, Summer- Mittens: A long ways away! Me:School ended today. Didn't you notice the yearbook signings and stuff? Mittens:Oh. I wish school was here!
Nerdy Book Lover: It was a dark stormy night
Nerdy Book Lover: Mittens re did her room
Nerdy Book Lover: Watching a horror movie
Nerdy Book Lover: Girls night out
Nerdy Book Lover: Pepper: ok, you each get 3.14159265359 Of the pizza, Mittens: But its pi day and pizza is not a pie! Pepper: Pizza is a type of Pie! Anyways, you also get 3.1415926535 juice. Enjoy! Ron: What?
Nerdy Book Lover: The girls worked very hard to get her to wear it
Nerdy Book Lover: My first ever worst day-Thursday picture. Read caption for story
Nerdy Book Lover: Its my pet pipecleanerdogs house
Nerdy Book Lover: Spider man mini: You bought me a house? That is so sweet Mittens: well actually-
Nerdy Book Lover: New pillow
Nerdy Book Lover: Mittens:Die Vader! Ron: I'm Luke! Not Vader Mittens: I say your Vader so your Vader! I have the authority because I have the light saber!
Nerdy Book Lover: Me: I told You to wear a helmet!!!- Mittens: I thought I always landed on my feet!....
Nerdy Book Lover: Truth time. I was feeling lazy
Nerdy Book Lover: Sister time
Nerdy Book Lover: Will you please stop hogging the couch Spider Man?
Nerdy Book Lover: Playing around