doncasterramblers: Leaving Langold Country Park
doncasterramblers: Entering Dyscarr Wood
doncasterramblers: Wild garlic aplenty
doncasterramblers: Open countryside
doncasterramblers: The start of Salt Hill
doncasterramblers: Refreshment time in Firbeck
doncasterramblers: The new sign recognises that the first St Leggier race was held locally
doncasterramblers: The other side recognises the local airfield, used by the RAF in WW2
doncasterramblers: On our way out of Firbeck..........
doncasterramblers: .... to cross a huge ploughed field, with the RoW yet to be reinstated
doncasterramblers: Glowering skies, only a little light rain was to fall
doncasterramblers: Returning to Langold Country Park