doncasterramblers: Leaving Pastures Lodge
doncasterramblers: Crossing the Dearne
doncasterramblers: Approaching the site of the old Earth Centre
doncasterramblers: Memorial to a mining disaster
doncasterramblers: A group pause
doncasterramblers: Bridge over the Don
doncasterramblers: Conisbrough railway station
doncasterramblers: Conisbrough Crags walking
doncasterramblers: Approaching our 'elevenses' stop
doncasterramblers: Time for refreshments!
doncasterramblers: Walk leader taking photos
doncasterramblers: Ronnie refreshes with a banana
doncasterramblers: Time to go....
doncasterramblers: .... into the Denaby Wood
doncasterramblers: Much Himalayan Balsam in the area
doncasterramblers: Crossing the railway line again......
doncasterramblers: ...... and then the Don
doncasterramblers: ...and then the Mexborough Canal
doncasterramblers: The ferry, long gone
doncasterramblers: ...... back to Pastures Lodge
doncasterramblers: Some of us enjoyed lunch there
doncasterramblers: Dearne + Don route