doncasterramblers: Steve briefs us at the Scout Dike Reservoir carpark.
doncasterramblers: About the cross the dam.
doncasterramblers: Approaching Thurlstone
doncasterramblers: A few minutes with a guy with two Citroen 2CVs, a 3-wheeler with a motorbike engine...
doncasterramblers: ...and a dog photo on the back of one 2CV.
doncasterramblers: Leaving Thurlstone
doncasterramblers: Inspecting the Don.
doncasterramblers: The familiar TPT.
doncasterramblers: A break to admire the view....
doncasterramblers: .... of the open countryside.
doncasterramblers: Then it was time for refreshments....
doncasterramblers: ...... with cakes from Kerensa!
doncasterramblers: ... and of course, plenty of chat.
doncasterramblers: A pause while we all climbed over a stile.
doncasterramblers: Through a cattle yard....
doncasterramblers: .... and the farm
doncasterramblers: ...with a stunning primrose patch.
doncasterramblers: Time for lunch by Bullhouse Mill.....
doncasterramblers: .... and then over the Don again.
doncasterramblers: Posing on a special seat.
doncasterramblers: An enclosed fence, with sheep and lambs on one side, one lamb trapped on the footpath.
doncasterramblers: Rescued by Norman......