doncasterramblers: Getting togged up for the driving drizzle!
doncasterramblers: En route to Stanage Edge
doncasterramblers: Starting on the Edge, just prior to route change
doncasterramblers: Alternate route agreed, away from the very gusty Edge
doncasterramblers: Approaching Stanage Pole
doncasterramblers: Gazing at the pole!
doncasterramblers: Old grafittee around the pole
doncasterramblers: Heading down to the reservoirs - ancient paved track
doncasterramblers: Elevenses, with Kerensa's cake!
doncasterramblers: Skirting the reservoirs
doncasterramblers: Lunch outside The Sportsman
doncasterramblers: Crowded inside, but made very welcome
doncasterramblers: Brian zips up, watched keenly by two cows
doncasterramblers: Leaving The Sportsman
doncasterramblers: Looking down to the Rivelin Dams
doncasterramblers: Through the woods above Rivelin Dams.
doncasterramblers: Stepping stones over Wyming Brook.
doncasterramblers: Leaving the stepping stones
doncasterramblers: End of the conduit across the moors.
doncasterramblers: Nearly trod on this guy.
doncasterramblers: Warming up, rain stopped - disrobing time.
doncasterramblers: Towards Stanage Pole again.
doncasterramblers: Skyline silhouettes