doncasterramblers: Leaving the Fox Valley shopping precinct.
doncasterramblers: Memorial to Samuel Fox
doncasterramblers: Starting the climb out of the valley.
doncasterramblers: Short stiff climb to Ellen Cliff House, welcomed by a noisy dog.
doncasterramblers: Level track towards Deepcar.
doncasterramblers: Hollin Busk Lane....
doncasterramblers: .....views to the north side of the valley
doncasterramblers: Descending towards Stocksbridge.....
doncasterramblers: Passing the clock tower....
doncasterramblers: ...on Nanny Hill
doncasterramblers: Elevenses.......
doncasterramblers: .....beneath the clock tower
doncasterramblers: Back into Stocksbridge.
doncasterramblers: Short stiff climb out of the valley again on steps....
doncasterramblers: ...and then a grassy slope
doncasterramblers: Pausing for a rest and to take in the views.
doncasterramblers: Panoramic view from Pea Royd Hill.
doncasterramblers: Level track towards the Underbank Reservoir.
doncasterramblers: Time to remove a layer.
doncasterramblers: Crossing the dam of the reservoir.
doncasterramblers: Alongside the slipway.
doncasterramblers: Alongside the reservoir.